AS SOON AS THE BIRDS START SINGING AND TREES BURST INTO LEAF it doesn’t take us long to recover from the long winter here in Britain. People start whistling in the street, humming tunelessly to themselves and smiling at strangers (especially the gorgeous ones)!
I’m looking forward to motorhome tours, walks, picnics, beach days, and woodland strolls. So I was a bit chastened to read the facts surrounding Tick Bite Prevention week at the end of March.
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Over winter, I’d forgotten all about mosquitos and midges, too! So far this year the weather’s been far too cold for long country walks – and pesky insects – but soon… it’s a timely reminder that we should all check ourselves, children and dogs for ticks if we’ve been wandering through the long grass anywhere where sheep or deer may have grazed.
In all my country walks and mountain hikes I’ve never even seen a tick, but uninvited midges and mosquitos at the barbecue are another story. I do use the insect blinds and dab on some mosquito repellent when I feel the need. But should I go further?
Outdoor clothing brand Craghoppers is reminding those planning a camping trip to be ‘tick aware’ and take precautions to reduce their risk of potentially life-threatening Lyme disease, which is a rare blood-infection transmitted by ticks. Lyme disease (Borreliosis) can be picked up through outdoor activities including camping, walking and hiking, particularly when ticks are most abundant from April through to October.
Naturally, Craghoppers has a solution to offer for both ticks and mosquito bites: NosiLife insect repellent clothing, which they say gives up to a 90 per cent reduction in insect bites, including ticks, mosquitos and midges.
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Ticks are second only to mosquitoes for carrying disease to humans worldwide and in January 2012 Bristol University reported that areas where the infection has been transmitted in the UK include Exmoor, the New Forest, the South Downs, parts of Wiltshire and Berkshire, Thetford Forest, the Lake District, the Yorkshire moors and the Scottish Highlands.
To minimise the risk of being bitten by an infected tick the Health Protection Agency advises people to wear long-sleeved tops and trousers in areas where sheep and deer graze. You’ll spot any ticks more easily if you wear light colours.
NosiLife’s active ingredients are said to be non-toxic and non-irritant, and offer:
Up to 80-90% reduction in actual bites
Up to 90% effective in repelling blood feeding
Craghoppers’ NosiLife collection not only protects from insect bites but it is also anti-bacterial, combating odour and infection. All garments are lightweight and feature SolarShield UPF 40+ sun protective fabric, and moisture control to keep cool in warmer climates, while some items also feature security pockets to keep valuables safe.
The collection includes shirts, tops, trousers and a range of accessories which keep the most vulnerable areas of the body covered and protected against ticks, mosquitoes, midges and other insects, giving essential protection from head to toe. The garments can also be worn and washed as often as you like, as unlike other insect repellent clothing, the NosiLife collection won’t lose any of its effectiveness!
Find out more about NosiLife and Craghoppers clothing, here.
Kate Taylor, Practical Motorhome, 28 March, 2013