It’s common to see electric bike sellers at camping and caravan shows — not everyone wants to explorer a new place after they’ve pitched up by pedal power alone, after all.
Electric bikes do tend to be bulky though, and so far from ideal for stowing in the back of a smaller van or motorhome. Not so the new electric-powered two-wheeler from Conscious Commuter.
This compact folder has much in common with the legendary Brompton bicycle and although it folds in a different way, appears to be just as compact.

Conscious Commuter is the brainchild of designer Gabriel Wartofsky, whose mission is to “design sustainable mobility solutions that make the daily commuting experience enjoyable again”.
Wartofsky has been working on the bike since 2008 — it’s still at the prototype stage and the company is currently garnering feedback from test rides.
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The plan, however, is to raise funding for Conscious Commuter through a web site called KickStarter, where potential customers pledge funds for further development in return for a kickback of some kind once the product is realised.
Wartofsky is looking for $25,000 to get started and is currently at $17,000, with nine more days of fund-raising to go. Take a look at the KickStarter page for more details and for how to contribute if you fancy a lightweight electric bike for the back of the van.