MAY IS SUCH A JOYFUL MONTH, with a bank holiday at either end, it’s ideal for a motorhome tour!
I was just chatting to Niall and Claudia, a couple of my friends on Practical Caravan magazine, about our joint reader rally for 2013. It runs from 3-6 May at Stowford Farm Meadows on Berry Down, not far from Exmoor and the spectacular north coast of Devon. Our host site is always so welcoming and has great facilities. Plus of course we have our own massive marquee in our rally field, which is where a lot of the action takes place!
Are you coming along this year? We were looking through the photos from last time and I thought I’d share some of our favourites. Who knows, you might spot yourself!
The facilities at Stowford Farm Meadows
caravan site cope brilliantly with the several hundred Practical Motorhome and Practical Caravan readers
who descend on them for a weekend of entertainment. The site has two
bars, a restaurant, a take-away and a riding stables, plus several
Here are some photos from last time, just as a taster of what’s in store.
night is quiz night: the winning teams will receive bar vouchers worth
£50 (1st prize), £30 (2nd prize) and £20 (3rd prize).
Over the weekend there will be question-and-answer sessions with our experts.
Plus face painting

Union Jacks are Arty Emma’s speciality – cute!
Ferret racing

And a barbecue served by the Practical Motorhome & Practical Caravan team!

There will be football

Lots of dogs

Don’t forget to bring your own, Stowford Farm Meadows has a dog crèche.

Plus a cream tea

with a jazz band. Bring your dancing shoes.

cap it off there are some great raffle prizes given out by our
Pictured below: Nigel Donnelly and Stacie Pardoe with a happy raffle
winner. The box contained a picnic table.

There will be a lot going on but you might just have time to pop into Ilfracombe to try the local specialities…

Spaghetti ice-cream? PCV’s Art Ed Simon was intrigued…
You really shouldn’t miss it and there’s still time to book your place. Call Stowford Farm Meadows
on 01271 882 476 and quote ‘Practical Rally’. The three nights will
cost £42 per pitch and you can add extra nights at £5 per night (up to 3 nights either side of the rally).
See you there. Cheers.

Travel editor Claudia Dowell at the Practical Motorhome & Practical Caravan Reader Rally
Kate Taylor
Practical Motorhome
8 March, 2013
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