Sylvia Guy and her husband Don have been Practical Motorhome reader team members for many years; here they pass on their experience, coming up with an A to Z of just some of the fantastic destinations that they’ve visited in their ‘van.
(For the first part of this story, click here)
V is for…
Venice, Italy
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Venice is undoubtedly be one of the most famous of European cities being captured on film or canvas countless times, yet when Don and I saw it for the first time its beauty was still a surprise. The stunning spires and domes, the fantastically weathered buildings their balconies dripping with flowers and of course the canals, the exquisite bridges, the gondolas and the amazing shops. Yet after a day spent exploring the city on foot the best was yet to come, for the following morning as we stood on the deck of the ferry taking us from Venice to Patras in Greece, we had the most stunning views of the city as we glided slowly past the Piazza San Marco, the Basilica, the Palazzo Ducale and the entrance to the Grand Canal.
W is for…
Lake Waikaremoana, New Zealand
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In North Island continuing our tour of New Zealand we were recommended to visit Lake Waikaremoana in Te Urewere National Park to the north of Napier. This is a place still inhabited by the Tuhoe people and road names along the way; Settlement Road, The Old Wagon Road were reminiscent of a bygone age. The lake, bordered by dense virgin forest is an extremely beautiful and tranquil place and apart from walking it’s also a popular spot for fishing. In fact Don caught a very nice sized trout, one that was too big for us to cook in the van, so we took advantage of the excellent facilities in the communal kitchen and baked gently in white wine it was delicious.
X is for
EXtra Special – Poboleda, Spain
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This was one of those occasions when we found a place that just suited our mood. We’d had a long journey from Alicante and were in need of somewhere to just chill out for a couple of days and we found the small village of Poboleda in the heart of the Taragona area. Navigating our way carefully through the narrow streets we came to an attractive tree-lined and terraced campsite with the hills and mountains all around. The air was heady with the scent of perfume from the trees that edged the pathways and the only sound was of the birds and insects.
To read more of Sylvia Guy’s A to Z travel blog, please click: